Wednesday 14 May 2014

see you!

See you soon Xabi,

Have a good time this summer and the next year too!


It`s not exactly a NGO, but... They work with people with problems and very well-known here. It`s not just a coincidence and from my point of view we must congratulate their great job! 

Many people it`s working thanks to them!! 

The boss is my uncle and many members of my family works there, not the ones that need this help, just in the company work!

Collectives in dandger!!

I have found an interesting page with information about the subject, a bit shocking!!

What can we do??
not a easy work....

Let`s see it!


So, not a easy point but very important one... What should Europe do?

I`m not an expert but many countries aren`t directed to the best way... I think they can`t go to the globalitation... Not that GLOBALITATION than we are building... It`s alarming and disgustin the world that we`re making....

So, we have to act together to stop this brutal industrial and rich country construction! More help in social and young life giving oportunities and always YES to go to different countries and meet knew people with different cultures...

ireland!!!!! Let`s go again!

A fantastic experience with a great group and nice people!!
I had a great time and the family was very nice! His coming tomorrow so I hope to enjoy and practise English!


We had some speeches according to the voluntary work.
Very interesting in my opinion, and, sincerally I wold like to do something in a close futere.
I wrote some notes while the second girl was speaking, to remember.

Thursday 3 April 2014


Here we have our fantastic poster!!

Hemen eta orain, ez gelditu zain!

All the world working together trying to change the situation!


So, here we have a NGO near us, one that have been in Luberri with us in DBH.
I think they do an important job, people neds help with their oreintation!! Many people is suffering so much!!

Let's see it!

europe here!

Europe is here, we have many construccion plans to improve our cityies... to try to do it at least. It isn a easy plan nowadays...

Wednesday 26 March 2014

video draft

 Malen, Olivenza and me have been working with some ideas for the voluntary work...
Isn`t the best camera but the organization yes!

go to the video!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Ireland crisis news.

Woman walks past street art in Dublin 
 Every week, some 1,000 people leave Ireland to find work overseas
"There was a brashness and preoccupation with wealth that rested uncomfortably with the Irish psyche," says businessman and corporate turnaround expert Sir Gerry Robinson of his country's boom years.

 Although Ireland's exit from the bailout programme does not in any way reduce the eye-watering level of debt it took on in 2010, it is hugely important, both inside and outside the country.

Sunday 23 February 2014


We all now the big impact of the globalitation.

Sometimes we can see some good things such as the capacity to travell, the faster and easy communication, the cheaper products...

But, in the other side we can see the bad side, most important in my opinion:

The demage is so unbelieble!!

The poor countries are poorer than ever, the important facotories goes to the Third World trying to find a cheap handwork and people work in very bad condicious.

The local companies can`t compit against this huge monsters, so, our countries can`t develop and we are in umployment time!

The invairoment is even worst! In the countries that the minimun laws aren`t working, this factories goes there so anything can me done!

what we have in our houses?


Friday 21 February 2014


Finally I did it! But no in my computer because was IMPOSIBLE!!

Cuadro de texto:   
Human Population Growth
Here we have the grafic about the growth of our world:

my vouluntary work.

No now, but some years ago, my family have been sending money for years to three different girls from India. According to this money, this girls were able to study and have an oportunity in their lives!
Then, sometimes they sent us some letters explaining their lives and what they do!! Was really great to see how you can change the live of a person with this money that for us is ANYTHING!

Thursday 20 February 2014

weebly time! (with the mein map)

We have done it some time ago but here it is!

We work hanrd on it, and it has its consecuence!

ciudad de juarez homicide!

Let`s go!

working in class and in the world!!

 Malen and I have been working on the aricle!! not only that, the fotowall is there too!!

It have been insteresting to know about NGOs, our one is wwf.


Thursday 30 January 2014


Malen and I have been working in the fotowall!! so nice photos!!

Sunday 12 January 2014


                        The awful consumerism is an adicction for to many people, buying to those huge shops!!